Used PET Scanners For Sale. Refurbished, Pre-Owned & Reconditioned PET Scanners at Reasonable Prices.
Used and Refurbished Radiology Equipment and X-Ray Equipment, Used and Refurbished Diagnostic Imaging Equipment, Used Cath Labs, Used C-Arms,
Used MRI Systems, Used CT Scanners, Used PET Scanners, Used Nuclear Medicine Equipment, Used Mammography Equipment, Used Fluroscopy Equipment
and Used Cardiology Equipment.


Used PET Scanners
Positron emission tomography (PET) is a nuclear medicine medical imaging technique which produces a three dimensional image or map of functional processes in the body.
To conduct the scan, a short-lived radioactive tracer isotope which decays by emitting a positron, and which has been chemically incorporated into a
metabolically active molecule, is injected into the living subject (usually into blood circulation). There is a waiting period while the metabolically
active molecule becomes concentrated in tissues of interest; then the subject is placed in the imaging scanner.
As the short-lived isotope decays, it emits a positron. After travelling up to a few millimeters the positron encounters and annihilates with an electron,
producing a pair of annihilation photons moving in nearly opposite directions. These are detected when they reach a scintillator material in the scanning device,
creating a burst of light which is detected by photomultiplier tubes.
United Medical Technologies Corp. · 2196 Andrea Lane · Fort Myers, Florida 33912 · USA
Toll Free USA 1-800-524-9729 or (239) 433-5332 · Fax (239) 433-3919 · E-mail: john@unitedmedicaltech.com
All the systems listed on this website are subject to prior sale and availability.
For domestic customers, please contact our office at 1-800-524-9729 or 1-239-433-5332 for terms and conditions of sale.
Thank you for expressing an interest in United Medical Technologies Corporation, and for visiting our Web site. We look forward to hearing from you.
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